November 2016
Studio Meringue luggage tags have been traveling the USA! Send me a photo and I’ll post it here too!
New Luggage Tag design available:
Studio Meringue luggage tags on the go!

February 2016
A sunny day in my Studio, a great place to create.
July 2015
I’ve had three of my flower photos transferred to canvas, and they are available for sale.
February 6, 2013
I was at an antique store downtown a month ago and came across this cute hat made in the 60’s. It resembled a small cake to me, so I took a photo of it. When I got home I thought about my collection of cake plates and how cute it would look on top of one of them. So the other day I went back to find that it was no longer in the case I had seen it in. After some hunting around I found it hanging on the wall in a display. After getting second opinions from two friends that I was shopping with, I bought it. Now it has been “re-purposed.” Not only does it have a new home on a cake plate, it also became the theme in a new wedding card from Studio Meringue!

January 23, 2013
If you get a chance, check out
I made a submission to one of their “projects.” It is a project in which they are compiling a visual encyclopedia. My entry will fall under “W” for “Work Spaces.”
Their explanation of the project is this; “Submit an image of where you work and we’ll compile it into a one-of-a-kind encyclopedia entry of work spaces from all corners of the world. We’re creating our own encyclopedia made in part by you! Submit an image that follows the prompt, and we’ll compile them online. Together, your images will give the pictorial description of a particular subject. It’s like Wikipedia, but more visual.”
So below is the photo I submitted. I took it last summer while I was working on my blank cards for an upcoming show at Vintage Roost. It was a beautiful day and I opened the window so that I could hear the birds chirping and let the summer air swirl through the room.

Hi Flo Flo,
Love your work so much! Can you assemble an assortment of various cards for me – 15 or so? Blanks, a few wedding, birthday, whatever you have. Let me know the price and we will work it out! I would be proud to give these beautiful cards to my family and friends on those special occasions!
Hope you are doing well, feeling good, and happy! Big love,
Shirley Fiore
I would love to put together an assortment for you!! I sell the “Studio Six” as 6 cards for the price of 5, so $15.00 instead of $18.00. Would you like to purchase 2 or 3 “Studio Sixes” maybe? I’ll check on shipping and give you an amount on the whole package if you like. I can accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express too.
Thanks so much Shirley!